Monday 9 January 2017

Soil Profile,TEXTURE BSC Notes | PDF

What is a soil profile? Soil Profile: Definition, Development & Types

What is Soil Texture?

Soil Structure & Texture | Northeast Beginning Farmer Project

Soil Profile Descriptions 
• Soil Profile - A vertical section of the soil extending vertically through all its horizons and into the parent material. 


• Soil Horizon - A layer of soil, approximately parallel to the surface, with properties that differ from the horizons above or below it – the properties (characteristics) are produced by soil forming processes.
• Soil Layer - A layer in the soil deposited by a geologic force (wind, water, glaciers, oceans, etc.) and not relating to soil forming process.
Organic (O) Horizons • O horizons or layers: 
Layers dominated by organic material. 
• Identification Criteria
 – >20% organic matter 
– Dark color 
( – Feels ‘Squishy” – Identifiable dead leaves, grass, etc. accumulated at surface A Horizons 
• Referred to as topsoil 
• Typically ranging from 6-30 centimeters thick 
• Mineral horizon formed at the surface or below an O horizon.
 • Characterized by an accumulation of well decomposed organic matter intimately mixed with the mineral fraction. 
• Identification Criteria – Mineral soil material – Mix of well decomposed organic matter and mineral material – Surface mineral horizon – Typically dark in color-darker than underlying horizons 
E Horizons 
• Mineral horizon in the upper part of the soil typically underlying an O or A horizon. 
• Light colored, leached horizons ranging from not being present to several centimeters thick
Light color due to the natural color of the mineral grains. 
• Formed by weak organic acids that strip coatings from mineral grains. 
• Field Identification 
– Zone of eluviation 
- removal of clays, Fe, Al, and humus 
– Lighter in color than over or underlying horizon 
– Near surface, below O or A horizons and above a B horizon B Horizons 
• Referred to as subsoil. • The zone of accumulation (or illuviation) within the soil. 
• Field Identification 
– Subsurface horizon formed below an O, A, E horizon and above the C horizon 
– Formed as a result of soil forming processes 
– Expressed often by color 
– Illuvial concentration-zone of accumulation C Horizon 
• Referred to as parent material. 
• These horizons and layers are little affected by soil forming processes (unweathered geologic material). 
• Field Identification 
– Little affected by soil-forming processes 
– Geologic layering 
– Color of unweathered geologic material
R Horizon 
• Hard rock
• Field Criteria 
– Can not dig it with a shovel or backhoe Soil Texture 
 Soil texture is the single most important physical property of the soil. Knowing the soil texture alone will provide information about: 
 1) water flow potential, 
 2) water holding capacity, 
 3) fertility potential, 
 4) suitability for many urban uses like bearing capacity Particle Diameter Size 
 Soil particle diameters range over 6 orders of magnitude 
 2 m boulders 
 Coarse fragments > 2 mm 
 Sand < 2 mm to 0.05 mm 
 Silt < 0.05 mm to 0.002 mm
Clay < 0.002 m Coarse Fragment
 > 2 mm 
 Gravels,cobbles, boulders 
 Not considered part of fine earth fraction (soil texture refers only to the fine earth fraction or sand, silt & clay) 
 Boulders left in valley of Big Horn Mts.(Wy) by a glacier. 
 < 2 mm to > 0.05 mm 
 Visible without microscope 
 Rounded or angular in shape 
 Sand grains usually quartz if sand looks white or many minerals if sand looks brown, 
 Some sands in soil will be brown, yellow, or red because of Fe and/or Al oxide coatings. 
 Feels gritty 
 Considered non-cohesive – does not stick together in a mass unless it is very wet. 
 Low specific surface area 
 Sand has less nutrients for plants than smaller particles 
 Voids between sand particles promote free drainage and entry of air
Holds little water and prone to drought 
 < 0.05 mm to > 0.002 mm 
 Not visible without microscope 
 Quartz often dominant mineral in silt since other minerals have weathered away. 
 Does not feel gritty 
 Floury feel–smooth like silly putty 
 Wet silt does not exhibit stickiness / plasticity / malleability 
 Smaller size allows rapid weathering of non quartz minerals 
 Smaller particles – retains more water for plants and have slower drainage than sand. 
 Easily washed away by flowing water – highly erosive. 
 Holds more plant nutrients than sand
. Clay: 
 Wet clay is very sticky and is plastic or it can be molded readily into a shape or rod.
 Easily formed into long ribbons 
 Shrink swell – none to considerable depending on the kind of clay. 
 Pores spaces are very small and convoluted Movement of water and air very slow 
 Water holding capacity Tremendous capacity to adsorb water- not all available for plants. 
 Soil strength- shrink/swell affects buildings, roads and walls. 
 Chemical adsorption is large
Soil Microbes
 What Are Microbes Doing For Plants? 
• Providing nutrition 
– Mycorrhiza 
– absorb water and nutrients
– Nitrogen fixation and siderophores
– rhizobacteria 
– Decomposition of dead material into plant usable 
– Store nutrients in their cells 
• Preventing pathogens 
– Bacteriocins and antibiotics 
– Competition 
– Molding the architecture of the soil 
– Aeration 


Sunday 8 January 2017

Freemasons (Luciferians): They Are Bound by Oaths to Protect Each Other — No Matter What

The following provides a basic outline of how Freemasonry is structured and how members are committed by their oaths, as well as how members are introduced to Luciferianism in the higher degrees. 

It also lists other secret societies that are directly connected to Masonry through overlapping memberships, and explains a little bit about how they are connected and the differences between them. A list of references and suggested reading is also provided.

by Anthony Forwood

The entry level of Masonry is the Blue Lodge, which consists of the first three degrees:

  1) Entered Apprentice
  2) Fellowcraft
  3) Master Mason

During initiation into the 3rd degree, the following oath is made:

"Further, I will keep a worthy brother Master Mason's secrets inviolable, when communicated to and received by me as such, murder and treason excepted. Further, I will not cheat, wrong or defraud a Master Mason's Lodge, nor a brother of this Degree, knowingly, nor supplant him in any of his laudable undertakings, but will give him due and timely notice, that he may ward off all danger."

After this degree has been attained, if a Master Mason wants to continue advancing, he can choose either the York Rite or the Scottish Rite.

The York Rite has ten additional degrees (4th to 13th), and is more oriented to Christians.

The Scottish Rite has twenty-nine additional degrees (4th to 32rd), and is more oriented to deism (a belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe).

A 33rd degree is offered in the Scottish Rite as an honorary degree to selected candidates. They must be invited to join.

As a Mason advances by degrees through either the York or Scottish Rites, they are slowly indoctrinated further into deism, and ultimately into Luciferianism.

In both the York and Scottish Rites, the Royal Arch degree is where the Mason makes the following oath:

"I will aid and assist a companion Royal Arch Mason when engaged in any difficulty, and espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, if within my power, whether he be right or wrong."

This includes any criminal act, including murder or treason.

Masons who reach the Royal Arch degree also swear to promote and vote for any fellow Mason of that degree "before any other of equal qualifications."

Members of the Royal Arch degree can be found throughout the justice system, serving as judges, lawyers, and police officers. This means that a Royal Arch Mason can expect favourable treatment by the courts should he ever find himself in trouble.

In some Lodges, a Mason who enters the Scottish Rite is given a copy of Morals and Dogma, which they are expected to read.

This book was written by Albert Pike, who served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the USA from 1850 to 1891 and is still considered to be a leading authority on Masonry.

The book provides the moral teachings of Freemasonry, which the reader will soon discover from reading it that Masonry is Luciferianism.

Albert Pike has indicated elsewhere in his writings that the 30th, 31st, and 32nd degrees are to be taught the Luciferian doctrine.

In speaking to the 33rd degree, he says:

"You may repeat it to the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees — The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine."

Another 33rd degree Mason and leading authority on Freemasonry was Manly P. Hall. In his book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, he wrote:

"When the Mason learns the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of the living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."

These are just a few examples to show that Freemasonry is Luciferian at the highest levels. Many other examples exist besides these.

At the highest levels, Masonry is intimately tied to a number of other secret societies through overlapping memberships.

These other secret societies include but are not limited to:

These secret societies each have their own internal structures, doctrines, and areas of influence, with some being more politically-oriented while others are more mystical/theological, but they all serve the same Luciferian New World Order agenda.

The Order of the Illuminati

“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.” — Adam Weishaupt

This Order was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, under the direction of the House of Rothschild. By 1782, an alliance was formed at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Germany between Illuminati, Freemasonry, and a number of other leading secret societies (Rosicrucians and Theosophists), uniting no less than three million members worldwide.

The Order of the Illuminati has always been made up (in part) of the highest-ranking Masons. It is a very elite group made up of the world's richest and most powerful movers and shakers, who operate on a global level and only from the shadows.

Like with the honorary 33rd degree of Freemasonry, candidates can only be invited to join. New members can be invited in from the upper ranks of some of these other secret societies as well.

All new members of the Illuminati must take an oath to put their loyalty to that secret society above that of any other oath they might have taken or will ever take.

John Robison, another authority on Freemasonry of the 33rd degree who was invited to join the Illuminati, reveals their oath of initiation in his book, Proofs of a Conspiracy (pg. 71), part of which reads:

"I bind myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to the Order..."

Rosicrucians and Theosophists are also Luciferian, as many of their published doctrines will show. Their highest ranking members can also be selected for membership in the Illuminati.

Albert Pike was a high ranking Rosicrucian (and probably also an Illiminatus) prior to ever joining the Freemasons.

Similarly, most or all other 33rd degree Masons are also high-ranking members in one or more of these other secret societies. In this way, these groups are all intimately linked together and controlled by a relatively small group of people.

The ultimate goal of these secret societies is to create a single world government and force the world's population to adopt a single religion that's based on their Luciferian doctrines.

With the aid of Freemasons, the Illuminati have been responsible for starting the French Revolution of 1789, the Russian Revolution of 1917, World War I, and World War II. They intend for there to be a third world war, after which they will enact the final stage of their plan to create a single world government.

The Duke De'Orleans, Karl Marx, Nikolai Lenin, and Adolph Hitler were all heavily involved with secret societies and were ultimately under the control of the Illuminati.

The Origins of Freemasonry

The English Grand Lodge of Freemasonry was founded by members of the English Order of the Rose Croix (Rosicrucians).

It works only the first three degrees – Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, and Master Mason – and constitutes the nursery for the selection of initiates for the higher degrees worked by other Lodges, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites and the Grand Orient.

The Grand Lodge therefore only teaches the exoteric doctrines (known as Blue Masonry), reserving the esoteric teachings for other Lodges. In 1813 it added a fourth degree, that of Holy Royal Arch. After the English Lodge’s founding, men of religious persuasions other than Christianity began to be accepted into Masonry.

On initiation, each member is given an alias that they will be known by within the Lodge. The secret oath taken by initiates supercedes all other oaths that they have or might ever take, thereby making their first allegiance to the Order and their fellow Masons.

This oath continues even if they decide to leave Freemasonry, in order to assure that whatever secrets they might hold regarding the inner workings of Masonry are never divulged.

All Masonry is founded on the principle of helping fellow members over helping non-members. Because of this, after the English Grand Lodge was established, it became almost necessary for any person in London to become a Mason in order to succeed in business.

To secure the inner workings of Freemasonry against the higher morals of its members, once in the higher degrees, a member who is found to be intractable can continue to the highest visible point of initiation along the track prepared by those who mean him to know nothing.

All is beautiful, all is noble, he sees only the best, and forever advertises the goodness of Freemasonry. Though in this capacity he may do nothing else, he becomes an important factor in recruiting.

Under the guise of philanthropy, humanitarianism, democratic ideals, and the promise of material advancement, this Order attracts untold numbers of unsuspecting men. The sifting takes place from the time of their initiation.

For those who are deemed useless to the further secret aims of Masonry and therefore unworthy of climbing from the Master's chair in Grand Lodge to The Royal Arch degree, English Masonry will always remain what it was represented to be when they became candidates for initiation. They will be useful carriers of the legend that English Masonry believes in God and philanthropy.

But, like Charity, English Grand Lodge covers a multitude of sins.... Above all, it covers Gnosticism under all its aspects; it is in fact its screen. (See Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)


Morals and Dogmas - Albert Pike
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly P. Hall
Proofs of a Conspiracy - John Robison
Suggested Reading: New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies - William T. Still

The NWO Push for a Cashless Society — It Started in India | New World Order

The cashless agenda has taken a giant leap forward worldwide in the last 2 months, mainly due to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

Modi took the bold, detested and despised step of banning the 2 highest denomination notes in India (the 500 and 1000 rupee notes, worth around US$7.50 and $15 respectively).

This wiped out around 80% of the value of circulating cash widely used by many segments of society for trade. His reason was to cut down on the black money circulating in India upon which tax is not paid.

However, from the boarder perspective of the worldwide New World Order (NWO) conspiracy, converting the entire world economy to solely digital transactions is not just about extracting more tax revenue from the ruled populations; it’s about knowledge and power.

It’s about surveillance on an extraordinary scale. The cashless agenda about acquiring the capacity to monitor literally every single financial transaction that takes place on the planet.

Unsurprisingly, the new cash ban hurt many poor Indians who either don’t have a bank account or who rarely use one. Also unsurprisingly, the idea for the ban did not originate from Modi.

The truth is that India is being used as the latest guinea pig to push forth the NWO cashless agenda, and a particular US Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) was instrumental in the rollout.

American NGO USAID Behind India Cash Ban

In an earlier article NGOs: Choice Tool of Subversion for the New World Order, I described how NGOs have become tools of infiltration and subversion to conduct soft coups or soft overthrows of democratically elected foreign governments.

NGOs are the perfect way to destroy an enemy nation from within. By gaining inside access to that nation, an NGO can disseminate all sorts of lies and propaganda to weaken people’s faith in their leaders or their political system.

NGOs can also fund “people’s” revolutions (i.e. color revolutions) to make it look like a foreign-orchestrated overthrow is a domestic grassroots uprising – just ask George Soros about that one.

For this reason, some nations such as Russia, China and Israel have restricted or banned foreign NGOs from operating on their shores.

In the case of India, there are clear signs that the cash ban was planned in advance by the nefarious United States NGO USAID (instrumental in the bloody Ukraine Maidan coup of 2014).

I give a hat tip to Norbert Häring, author of the recent article A well-kept open secret: Washington is behind India’s brutal experiment of abolishing most cash, who outlines how USAID was actively conspiring with the Indian Ministry of Finance to push forward the cashless agenda.

He writes:

“USAID had announced the establishment of „Catalyst: Inclusive Cashless Payment Partnership“, with the goal of effecting a quantum leap in cashless payment in India. The press statement of October 14 says that Catalyst “marks the next phase of partnership between USAID and Ministry of Finance to facilitate universal financial inclusion”.

“The statement does not show up in the list of press statements on the website of USAID (anymore?). Not even filtering statements with the word “India” would bring it up.

“To find it, you seem to have to know it exists, or stumble upon it in a web search. Indeed, this and other statements, which seemed rather boring before, have become a lot more interesting and revealing after November 8.”

So on top of actively pushing India into the cashless agenda, looks like USAID is also covering their tracks and trying to hide it.

Catalyst is the Catalyst …

So basically the New World Order, via the US Government and USAID, had decided that India would be the next country in which it would roll out the cashless agenda, so it set up this new organization Catalyst to disguise the non-Indian interests behind the scheme. Häring points out the big NWO players behind Catalyst:

“Who are the institutions behind this decisive attack on cash? Upon the presentation of the Beyond-Cash-report, USAID declared:

“Over 35 key Indian, American and international organizations have partnered with the Ministry of Finance and USAID on this initiative.”

On the website one can see that they are mostly IT- and payment service providers who want to make money from digital payments or from the associated data generation on users.

Many are veterans of what a high-ranking official of Deutsche Bundesbank called the “war of interested financial institutions on cash” … They include the Better Than Cash Alliance, the Gates Foundation (Microsoft), Omidyar Network (eBay), the Dell Foundation Mastercard, Visa, Metlife Foundation.”

Häring also points at some other key people and groups behind the war on cash in India:

“Raghuram Rajan at the helm of Reserve Bank of India from September 2013 to September 2016 … had been, and is now again, economics professor at the University of Chicago. From 2003 to 2006 he had been Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington.

(This is a cv-item he shares with another important warrior against cash, Ken Rogoff.)

He is a member of the Group of Thirty, a rather shady organization, where high ranking representatives of the world major commercial financial institutions share their thoughts and plans with the presidents of the most important central banks, behind closed doors and with no minutes taken.

It becomes increasingly clear that the Group of Thirty is one of the major coordination centers of the worldwide war on cash. Its membership includes other key warriers like Rogoff, Larry Summers and others.”

Astute readers will see a familiar theme here cropping up once again. In my recent article "International Fact-Checking Network A.K.A. NWO Ministry of Truth," I discussed how Bill Gates (the Gates Foundation) crops up seemingly everywhere in NWO agendas such as censorship, vaccines, GMOs, Common Core education, transhumanism, eugenics, depopulation and now in the cashless agenda too.

Pierre Omidyar (Omidyar Network) also got a mention in the same article as being one of the funders of the new organization IFCN poised to become a sort of Ministry of Truth.

The IMF is a Rothschild tool and a harbinger of NWO One World Bank. Larry Summers was one of the guys under Obama who oversaw the “bailout”, “stimulus” or daylight robbery of the American people that took place in 2009 – but he was apparently much more worried about what Goldman Sachs would think.

The Group of Thirty is a think tank of international bankers funded by – guess who – the Rockefeller Foundation.

Everywhere you look in the worldwide conspiracy, it’s the same players, the same themes and the same one agenda (through its many facets) for total domination.

Cash: the new endangered species. Because if you want to use cash, you must be a criminal, right?

Venezuela, Sweden, Australia, Greece – Everyone Joining In On the Cashless Agenda

It’s not just India. The cashless agenda is being pushed worldwide. Recently President Maduro of Venezuela announced he was going to ban the 100 bolivar note, the nation’s largest currency denomination.

The pretext is essentially the same each time: to supposedly stop crime and make it harder for criminals who deal only in cash. Maduro said:

“There has been a scam and smuggling of the one hundred bills on the border with Colombia, we have tried the diplomatic way to deal with this problem with Colombia’s government; there are huge mafias.”

However as Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante) points out, this is a false argument. There is no true correlation between high crime rates and high demonization bills in circulation:

“The trouble here is that removing bills doesn’t fight crime. At least one recent study shows countries with the largest currency denominations actually have the lowest crime rates. Take for instance a country like Japan which is praised for its low crime rates and has a 10,000 yen note worth around $85 as of today.

Switzerland is a prime example of the opposite end of the spectrum because not only does it have a 1,000 Swiss franc note worth roughly $1,000 USD and one of the lowest crime rates in the world, but unlike Venezuela where guns are outlawed and violence is rampant, 1 in 2 Swiss people are gun owners.”

Meanwhile Sweden has completely jumped on board the cashless agenda. The Nordic nation is on the fast track to become the first totally cashless society, as the Guardian reports:

“According to central bank the Riksbank, cash transactions made up barely 2% of the value of all payments made in Sweden last year – a figure some see dropping to 0.5% by 2020. In shops, cash is now used for barely 20% of transactions, half the number five years ago, and way below the global average of 75%.

And astonishingly, about 900 of Sweden’s 1,600 bank branches no longer keep cash on hand or take cash deposits – and many, especially in rural areas, no longer have ATMs.

Circulation of Swedish krona has fallen from around 106bn in 2009 to 80bn last year.”

Australia has also joined the cashless bandwagon with some recent and shameless propaganda. Check this video of a supposedly cool, unshaven guy throwing stats at you and trying to convince you that you don’t need the $100 note any more.

X22 Report has also just reported that Greece is initiating a soft cash ban. They are mandating that you spend 10% of your expenditures in digital currency!

So the government is telling you in what format you must spend your money – and Greeks are getting penalized for not spending in this manner. Wow. The tyranny is just so blatant.

2017 is the Year when the War on Cash Will Accelerate

You don’t need to be an oracle to see that the war on cash is intensifying and accelerating rapidly across the world.

It is a key part of the New World Order agenda, because it removes some of the last vestiges of privacy and anonymity that we still have in today’s world.

Without the ability to freely transact anonymously with cash, our freedom is greatly restricted, because so much of our life revolves around the use of money: spending habits, income, expenditures, amount of tax paid, etc.

To know someones’ complete financial history and current position is to have great power over them.

It seems the NWO manipulators are attempting to cement the cashless agenda in place before the world becomes too much more awake, aware and conscious. Will they succeed?

Only time will tell, but there is still time to stop this agenda in its tracks if we spread enough awareness about it.

By Makia Freeman —